Dharma Talk at Upaya Zen Center on September 14 at 5:30 pm
Join General Christian Bethelson, William “Uncle Jake” Jacobs and Cynthia Jurs at the Upaya Zen Center on Wednesday, September 14 at 5:30 pm as they take up the topic of “Engaged Buddhism in Liberia.”
In December 2009, the Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project was hosted by hundreds of people from three countries who gathered in the remote town of Voinjama in Northern Liberia — the scene of some of the worst fighting during the civil war — to add their prayers for peace to our 23rd Earth Treasure Vase. The vase was planted in the traditional village of Telowoyan. In March of this year, a peace hut was constructed and dedicated at the site.
Jurs, Bethelson, Jacobs and countless others have carefully tended seeds of peace with astonishing results. Come hear about peace-in-the-making and the form Engaged Buddhism is taking in Liberia.
William Jacobs attests:
“It’s strategic that the blessings are in that vase, so when it begins to hold roots, when it begins to spread from the Kola tree… Those roots will spread, and that’s how the blessings in that vase are going to spread into Guinea, into Sierra Leone, into the Ivory Coast, into the whole of West Africa, and then into the Atlantic Ocean. It’s going to spread all over. It will connect with all other blessings to all other places where the vases have been buried.”
For more information, please email us at info@earthtreasurevase.org