Exciting News! Challenge Grant just received!
We just received a Challenge Grant of $12,500! Every dollar you give today will be matched until December 31st! Please consider a year-end contribution of any amount to help us meet our goal of raising $25,000! Donate here: www.earthtreasurevase/donate
Dear Friends,
This is the long-awaited moment when we can at last report to you that we have accomplished our 23-year mission to create a global mandala of healing, peace and protection for the Earth! We have truly become an ALLIANCE for the EARTH.
This long journey of burying the original founding “grandmother” set of Earth Treasure Vases was completed in June with a magnificent ceremony in Australia. From the Arctic Circle to the South Pacific, from the Standing Stones at Avebury to the Great Pyramids in Egypt, from the source of the Amazon to the source of the Ganges, from the heart of Africa in Congo to the heart of the world in Colombia – all around the planet where the ETVs have been planted in the Earth, a web of light and love for Gaia has been seeded in the landscape of our hearts.
This global healing mandala could not have been created without you. Thank you for all of your years of support, witnessing and participation.
And yet, the work is far from over. Now more than ever, the Earth is calling for our attention. With your help we can move into the next chapter of the journey with the Earth Treasure Vases and respond to the voice of Mother Earth challenging us to co-create the more beautiful world our hearts tell us is possible.
Will you join us? Together we can realize our global vision – but we need your generous financial support. We cannot do this without you.
Happily, there are Living Treasure Vases among us. We are excited to report that we have just received a Challenge Grant totaling $12,500! Every dollar you give today through December 31st will be matched to meet our goal of raising $25,000 by December 31st.
We’ve spent two decades traveling the world, making relations with Indigenous elders and young activists, women who have ended war, former fighters who stand for peace, and visionary leaders who are calling for the Rights of our Mother Earth. The ETVs – our ambassadors – have opened doors in communities and shown the way to a future where peace is stable and the vitality of the Earth is completely restored.
But one thing is clear. We are all in this together and we can’t do this without you. Together, with our most open hearted, responsive, engaged and sacred activism we can and will create the conditions for the healing of our world!
Through you, our extended community, and our Indigenous friends and family in Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas who have joined with us to accomplish this practice, we are awakening to a sacred trust with Mother Earth – “unconditional love with responsibility,” or “kanyini,” as Aboriginal Elder Uncle Bob Randall would say. In so doing, we are reconnecting to the soul of the world and participating in revitalizing the life force of the whole Earth
Please donate now to help us keep our prayers alive! Turn one dollar into two and double your impact for sustaining our work of global healing. help us meet our challenge of raising $25,000 by December 31st. Thank you! https://earthtreasurevase.org/donate/
A fellow pilgrim who traveled to Australia with us to bury the final ETV there this summer shared with me that in carrying out the practice of the vase, “the pain in her heart dropped away”.
This practice is truly healing. Each of us may be only a drop in the ocean or a tiny cell in the body of Mother Earth, but we are microcosms of the whole, containing multitudes. We now know that each of us is the answer to the prayers of our ancestors and the teaching of the Earth Treasure Vases has come alive in us at this time. We are Holy Vessels. As we heal ourselves, so do we heal our planet.
Thank you for the gift of who you are and for all you do to enrich our global community. With love and gratitude,
Cynthia Jurs and everyone at Alliance for the Earth
All contributions to Alliance for the Earth are tax deductible. Donations can be made online by credit card over our secure server here: www.earthtreasurevase/donate Or you can mail a check made out to Alliance for the Earth to: Alliance for the Earth, PO Box 8031, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
PS. This year Alliance for the Earth has:
· Brought a powerful leader named Annie Nushen from the regional women’s peacebuilding network in Liberia onto our team to offer trainings inside the three Peace Huts we have built so far.
· Dug our first well next to our first Peace Hut bringing fresh water where there was none.
· Continued to support AE’s Liberian field coordinator, Christian Bethelson, a well-known former General in the rebel forces, to recover from his years as a soldier and find stability and calm through the practice of mindfulness meditation. He is now ringing the bell of mindfulness in the Peace Huts and inviting other ex-combatants like himself to breathe….and come back to their true selves. Bethelson received a full scholarship to attend a three-month retreat this winter with Thich Nhat Hanh in Plum Village, France – the very first African to do so. This experience will strengthen his vow of peace so that he may truly be a vessel for healing in the world as he so deeply wishes.
· Begun facilitating cross-pollination between the women in Liberia who stopped a war and the Hero Women of Congo to support a women-led peace movement in Congo. Former General Bethelson from Liberia is ready to serve this vision.
· Supported Neema Namadamu and the Hero Women of Congo through our Women Witness Congo program to build their Media Training Center, find solidarity and become a powerful voice for a New Congo.
· Hosted a seminar on the Rights of Nature with Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus founder Osprey Orielle Lake and her colleague Shannon Biggs, to inspire and educate our community around this important movement.
· Connected Neema with Osprey. In September, Neema represented Congo at the historic International Women’s Earth and Climate Summit in New York. Congo was then identified as one of three key locations, along with the Amazon and Canada’s Boreal Forests, to become a focus for the world’s attention.
· We have begun to initiate the next generation of ETVs and are excited to bring this practice to you – our extended community. We invite you to participate directly in this work of sacred activism by learning the practice at one of our retreats or pilgrimages and even stewarding an ETV somewhere in the world yourself! Look for an update from us in the Spring about the new vision of our work that the Treasure Vases are calling us to create!
From the subtle realms of the heart, to grassroots activities in war zones and rainforests, we are effecting the healing and transformation of our Mother Earth. Join us now. Thank you.